When we think about nutrition the first thing that comes to our mind is food. We are worried about giving our bodies proper nutrient dense foods and vitamins. (Which is SUPER important by the way) 🙂
However, sometimes we forget that how we manage our emotions will affect our food choices, we may forget that stress management is a “super food” for our brain, spiritual practices will help us to find our purpose in life and find our value, all together is what we called Holistic Nutrition.
A nutritionist is a nutrition expert, the experience may come from personal experiences or they might be certified with specific types of training, their focus is Nutritional education and guidance.
A Holistic Nutritionist depending on their credentials and expertise, some people will focus on more areas besides food, in my case I focus on the importance of the quality of our foods and how we nurture our thoughts, feelings and spiritual life. Because all together will provide us a solid base for wellness and health.
Not at all, a RD has the credentials to design specific meal plans for medical conditions, on the contrary a HN may support you on your health and personal goals.
Of course, I have worked many times before with people who have a RD already, we can work together as a team, my main focus is to support you through your wellness and health process, so you can achieve your goals in a sustainable manner.
It depends on the program, but normally sessions lasts between 60 – 90 minutes.
Your privacy is really important to me, we are in a safe space, all the information provided on our sessions is 100% protected.
In our 3 months program we will have Holistic Nutritional education focusing on the areas that you may need help with.
There are a total of 6 sessions per month.
As your coach, my job is to guide you, support you and provide tools that are only 20% of the process. In order to see results, you will be responsible for taking action. What will help the sessions succeed is COMMUNICATION between us, when you feel stuck or like you don’t want to continue, you can let me know ASAP so we can explore the root cause, and that is a “Golden Key” for your healing process.
If you feel “stuck” 1:1 is for you. This is a PERSONALIZED program where I will support you during 3 months with 2 online sessions per month. We will adapt the sessions depending on your needs and the areas you need to be supported with.